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Open House - Interactive Dialogue with Artists – Practice, Experiment, Achievement. [TALK]

August 23, 2013 I Utsha Foundation For Contemporary Art, VR-39, Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Artists: Adwait GadanayakSubrat Kumar MullikSatyanarayan PadhiSaroj Kumar Bhanja and Veejayant Dash

Moderated by: Dr. Pradosh Kumar Mishra


Open House at Utsha Foundation invited artists who were assigned specific themes to speak about their craft, their inspiration and their achievements in an interactive session with the audience. Participating artists included Advait Gadanayak (Stone knows all language), Subrat Kumar Mullik (Boon teacher on art), Satyanarayan Padhi (Animation of simple voice), Saroj Kumar Bhanja (Bronze smells like blood) and Veejayant Dash (Theatre of an activist).

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